WordPress 2.7.1 Now Available, Upgrade Now!

WordPress 2.7.1

Just a couple hours ago, WordPress announced that the final version of WordPress 2.7.1 is now available for download/upgrade. This comes after the 2.7.1 Release Candidate 1 which was released to the public a few days back.

From the WordPress blog:

You may have noticed that we went much longer than usual to release this .1 update. We’re very proud of this fact because it’s a testament to the testing all of you contributed prior to the release of 2.7 which helped make it the most bug-free release we’ve had.

For those who already have installed WordPress 2.7 or 2.7.1 RC 1, all you need to do is upgrade via the WP Dashboard. Go to Tools > Upgrade and your current installation will be upgraded to the latest version. If you are using an older version, you’ll have to do the upgrade manually.

If you’re interested with the details, here’s the list of fixed tickets and full set of changes between 2.7 and 2.7.1.

What are you waiting for? Keep your blog secure and updated. Download or upgrade to version 2.7.1. One way to prevent any future headaches or problems is by keeping your site up-to-date. You will thank me later!

Anyone else who upgraded or plan to upgrade to WordPress 2.7.1? Did you encounter any issues or problems during or after the installation/upgrade process? Please share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

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  1. @Jan
    I was in also in blogger, but when I moved to WordPress (thanks to Jaypee), I don’t want to look back. It made my blogging work easier with all those tons of plugins (and not to mention, forced me to learn additional technical skills too and earn from it).

    Anyway, like Jaypee had mentioned, I’ve also ran across webhosts that offer unlimited bandwidth and space, if that’s the only issue why you don’t want to move to WordPress. I also know some free webhosts (but limited bandwidth and support) where you can also host a WordPress blog.

    And I think your uber blogger friend had already estimated that he has really room for more… so I think it would be a good “temporary” start while you gather all your finances for a self-hosted one.. I have a feeling that you’ve realized that you like blogging.

  2. @jan – Oh I see. If you’re serious about blogging, having a self-hosted WordPress blog is the only way to go. Regarding finances, there are a lot of affordable hosting providers that cater specifically to WordPress blogs. I believe there are some who offer $5/month hosting with a lot of disk space and bandwidth. All you need is a domain name.

    Hopefully that uber blogger friend of yours or someone else can help you. I’m sure you’re gonna love WordPress. :D

  3. “…what keeps you from moving your Blogger to a self-hosted WordPress blog?”

    Logistics. A good online friend suggested he’d take me in his webhost. There’s room for me, he said. But he’s an uber blogger, and uber blogger needs all the bandwidth and resources for his uber blog. So I restrained my excitement and strike on my own in my own sweet time.

    I love him for that. To this day, I still kept his text message encouraging me to take his offer.

    Matt will just have to restrain himself too, if he’s thinking of sending me mail. :)

  4. @elmot – Better safe than sorry is what I always say. I’d rather spend a few minutes of my time upgrading WordPress than having to go through the stress and hassle after something goes wrong with my blog.

  5. your right jayps…it is better to have security from attacks. just read some bloggers who are quite annoyed with constant upgrading. threats are getting nastier and sophisticated and wp is constantly responding to it with precision.

  6. @loy – Cool! So you moved to your new web host already? Installing or upgrading to the latest version of WordPress will keep your blog safer than having an old version. If you want to make it more secure, you have to set some rules on your .htaccess file and set proper file/directory permissions.

  7. I upgraded to 2.7.1, finally, after I moved to a new web server. With regards to security issues, is this version really safe and secure? I read somewhere that we have to tinker with the .htaccess to really “harden” our WordPress installation. And then of course, setting the file and directory permissions properly.

  8. @elmot – I know it can be annoying but would you rather have an outdated version that is vulnerable to hackers and other security flaws? Or an updated version that keeps your blog secure and runs smoothly?

    Users aren’t forced to upgrade. If you don’t want to do it, its up to you but you’ll be leaving your blog vulnerable to attacks and other issues.

  9. yep, i agree with newbiesblogger. wordpress is really a good blog platform for it never fails to constantly update itself. but there are also bloggers who are quite unimpressed with these frequent upgrade, for sometimes it becomes annoying to them constantly upgrading..

    what do you think guys?

  10. @newbiesblogger – That’s whats good about open source. Most of the people working on the development of WordPress are not employees of Auttomatic but people from the community who share their time and skills.

  11. @Gem – Upgrades usually go smooth in most cases unless the user doesn’t follow instructions or there’s a conflict with a plugin or two.

    If you’re using the WP DBManager it does the backup automatically. Btw, you don’t have to backup all your files like themes and stuff regularly, just make a backup of those files once. The only thing you need to backup regularly is your WP database.

  12. I made my upgrade a few days back, on my main blog. No problem encountered so far – even with those plugins.

    I’m always tempted not to do backups because it takes to back up everything (I had more than 2k files) on the host. In my experience the entire backup was over an hour using FileZilla.

    However, the upgrade time did not take more than 5 minutes of waiting.

  13. @jan – Hehe..sorry bout that. Didn’t mean to make you feel bad but you know that I do blog alot about WordPress and most of the regular readers are WordPress users.

    Btw, what keeps you from moving your Blogger to a self-hosted WordPress blog?

  14. Thanks for the heads up. But no thanks. I’m fine living under the bridge as of now. In fact, I had somebody to help me rearrange the furniture in my place. And we put up some curtains, too while we’re at it. Please don’t torment with updates like this – it goes straight to the vacant space I reserve in my heart for WP. :) But lusting after WP is set for another time. I can wait.

  15. @K – The built-in auto upgrade isn’t different from the manual install as long as you follow instructions and take the necessary procedures in doing an upgrade.

    The changes/fixes aren’t noticeable coz they’re all in the code but I’m sure your WordPress installation was happy with the upgrade. :D

  16. I didn’t take the risk to click the “update” button so I managed to the manuall upgrade, that way I’d get familiar with the directories here and there.

    I didn’t see much change tho’.

  17. @loy – One of the good things about WordPress is that it gets updated frequently to address/fix bugs and security issues although it can also be a tiring process for some users. :D

  18. @Solo – Do you have another blog? Coz the URL you left on your comment says you have blogspot.

    Anyways, upgrading WordPress manually is not a difficult process. Just make sure you follow instructions. You can find a step-by-step guide here. Hope that helps. :)

  19. @rudy – You mean using the built-in automatic upgrade feature in the WP Admin compared to the manual upgrade process? I think it depends on the user and the blog’s configuration. If you just follow instructions carefully you won’t have a problem.

    Most users experience problems because they don’t read or follow instructions or follow updates.

    If you don’t use the wordpress-automatic-upgrade plugin, if you set the right permissions for WordPress files and disable all plugins before doing the upgrade, I believe that the process would be smooth and easy.

    Anyways, terima kasih banyak untuk ide-idenya! :)

  20. Ooops, fatal error encountered while upgrading:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1853087 bytes) in /wp-includes/http.php on line 1032

    Any help is appreciated :D

  21. Upgrading is never as smooth and easy as like before.
    If you used plugins wordpress-automatic-upgrade, you gonna face a problem, since it’s not working under wp2.7+.

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