How IT Projects Really Work

While I was browsing through my old files, I came across a cartoon strip that I downloaded from the web a long time ago. It depicts how IT projects are done, but with a twist of humor. I totally forgot where I got it so I tried searching in Google to find the source.

This has been around the web for quite a while so I’m sure some of you have seen this already. But anyways, I’d still share it with you guys and for the sake of those who haven’t seen it yet. The first version was 1.0 and since then, they’ve added a few more cells and this project is now in version 1.5.

How Projects Really Work 1.5

Btw, I did find the source and it’s a site called The Project Cartoon. In their website, you can create your own project cartoon by arranging the different cells drag and drop style and renaming the cells. Then you can save it and get a unique url for your project cartoon.

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  1. @dimaks – Yup, even in my limited experience with software development or systems analysis and design, proper documentation is really a lifesaver. Anything happens to other phases of the project, you can always go back to the documentation. :D

  2. I agree with fruityoaty. Even in my field of work where we use block box tools most of the time, documentation of the process or procedure done in a certain data set serves significantly in many future undertakings.

  3. @Jim – I agree. The customer should properly specify what they want in the product. However, there could still be problems if the analyst doesn't understand it well and designs it differently and same happens to the programmer. It's a chain reaction. I think the most important thing is that the project leader makes sure that all aspects of the project are done in accordance to the right specifications. :)

    @fruityoaty – You're also right about that. You'll save a lot of headache and problems with proper planning & documentation. I think that's what separates a good company or project team from the rest.

    Yup, integrity is really important. It's one of the secrets to success. :)

  4. Well, Jimpur is correct – planning & proper documentation is often lacking in sofware development projects. As a software test engineer (for 7 years), I can honestly say that so many companies *think* they're going to save money by cutting back on planning, testing, etc. just to make the "deadline". One time, I actually got asked to "bury unfavourable info". Thank goodness that was just a contract job… that I never returned to. Integrity is an important thing to hold onto.

    If a shoddy product comes out, NO ONE remembers that the software came out on time… Often, they'll remember how crappy it was. In the end, the company is ruining their reputation and relationship with your existing clients.

    The cartoon is funny simply because it is so true. ;)

  5. From experience, I found software specification is the most crucial step in software engineering. Most of software defects/bugs can be avoided if the development is based on a good software specs.

    Based on the above pics, the project doesn't have a good specs. As the proof, what customers explained is totally different than what they want. That could lead to disasters in software engineering.

    Funny cartoon though.

  6. @valerie – Glad you like it! :)

    @Yoru – Yeah, I agree. :D

    @fruityoaty – I think this business model is true in many if not most companies. I guess that's how they make so much money, right? Hehe :D

  7. Yeah, I've seen that before a few years ago. I found it funny then… and still funny now.

    In terms of software development projects, I've been involved in different roles: as a customer, as a project leader, analyst, technical documentation, and trained quality assurance / software tester… So yeah, the joke is so spot on, in terms of my experience.

    Sadly, I've worked for so many companies that seem to follow that joke as a business model, LOL.

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