Hope everyone had a good and safe weekend. Found some interesting and useful articles the past few days and now sharing it with you in this week’s edition of Weekend Roundup. Enjoy!
Pinoy Blogosphere
- Have you decided to ditch your old PC and get a new one? Pinoy Tech Guy’s latest article talks about the things you need to consider when upgrading your PC.
- Blogging Mix has 8 blogging tips on writing for non native English speakers. Good read for bloggers who don’t have English as their native tongue or for anyone who are having difficulties with writing in English.
- PinoyMoneyTalk warns PayPal users about a new type of PayPal email scam. It’s always good to be cautious when it comes to these things. If you get an email from someone you don’t know and you’re not sure about it, then just ignore it. Better safe than sorry!
- Recently lost PageRank because of paid links? Jam shares this WordPress plugin she recently found that automatically puts a “rel=nofollow” attribute to all paid links. Before you install this plugin, you’ll have to make sure you won’t be violating any TOS with your affiliate programs.
Around the Web
- Are you an effective networker? I have accounts on several social networking sites but I never or barely use them for networking. One of my newest blog friends, Katy, shows us how to effectively use social networking websites.
- Want to make your blog unique and customize the way your posts are displayed in the index page? WPCandy’s tutorial will show you how to modify individual posts in the loop using multiple loops.
- Do you often edits your posts and want your readers to know about it? With this tutorial from Ardamis, you can now display the last modified date of your WordPress posts.
- Darren has a very good article about using humor on your blog to bring about change. A good example of this is his open letter to Adsense regarding the changes they made to their referral program.
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or want your article to be featured in the next Weekend Roundup, feel free to leave a comment or send me a message via the contact page.
@Joie – Definitely glad to hear that! You’re welcome! Btw, which article did you like the best? :)
Very informative. I learned a lot from this post. Thanks a lot for posting..
@Jam – You’re welcome! Yup, the TOS is important and bloggers who are planning to install this plugin should read the TOS of all affiliate programs they’re in to avoid having their accounts penalized or suspended. :)
@Katy – Thanks! Glad you liked them.There are so many interesting articles but I chose these ones coz they were related to my blog. You’re welcome! Your article was a good read. :)
Thanks for the link. Yeah, I forgot to mention about the TOS thing.
Great collection of articles here. Thank you for linking to mine.