Can Technology Help You Lose Weight?

Lose Weight

People have many reasons for gaining weight. Stress, an inactive lifestyle, work demands, poor diet, and many other factors contribute to obesity and weight gain, afflicting up to two-thirds of the population. While diet and exercise are proven factors to help shed unwanted pounds, technology is now playing a pivotal role in the process. With technology on your side, you can track calories, exercise more frequently, and achieve your weight loss goals.

Fitness Trackers

One of the most innovative ways modern tech is helping people lose weight is the use of fitness trackers. By wearing a small tracker on your wrist and connecting it to an app, you can have an interactive approach to weight loss. Fitbit, Ionic, and other companies are the leaders of the tracker revolution, allowing you to track your daily steps, elevation gain, and total calories burned.

To take this idea one step further, fitness trackers can also monitor your sleep patterns and provide encouragement throughout your day. With these assets, you can maintain your course without losing motivation or falling into the weight gain pitfalls of your past.

Smart Scale

When you’re trying to lose weight, nothing is more disparaging than stepping on a scale. If you’ve maintained your current weight or gained a few pounds, the scale can destroy your motivation. If that loss of motivation happens a few times, you can grow fearful of the scale. That fear can cause you to eliminate weighing yourself from your daily routine and lead to you putting on weight.

Smart scales are the answer to the scale problem. Using Bluetooth technology, these scales send your daily weigh-in measurement to an app that monitors your progress. According to a Cornell University study, researchers found that individuals who checked their weight more often were more likely to lose weight. With a smart scale, you always know your weight via the app, a feeling which can make you hungrier to reach your dream weight than to grab a doughnut.

At-Home Spin Class

Another interesting piece of tech helping people meet their weight-loss goals like never before is a stationary bike. However, unlike the stationary bikes of the past, modern incarnations allow you to connect to online spin classes. These classes have instructors to motivate you and programs that target increased fitness.

The major benefit of this program is that you don’t have to feel the stress or intimidation of going to a spin class with highly trained or toned athletes. You can work at your own pace, which is another excellent motivator.

Adding Tech to Proven Methods

Weight-loss technology isn’t a miracle worker. You still have to put in the time and effort to lose weight, but adding technology to existing approaches to tracking your weight-loss progress is beneficial. For example, Lifesum’s app can help boost your performance by monitoring how your fitness improves over time, which can allow you to visualize your achievements.

Technology is changing your life every day, from entertainment and communication to transportation and everything in between. If you’re using tech to make your life more convenient, it only makes sense to apply technology to weight loss. Armed with these inventions, you stand a better chance of becoming the lean, attractive person that’s always been inside you.

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