Skittlish is a 2-column, candy colored WordPress theme ported by Amos Griffin of The Barley Hut. This theme features a seven color scheme option and a fluid or fixed width option.
The theme is called Skittlish. It was created by Cristi Balan for Mephisto, a Ruby on Rails weblog publishing system. Cristi deserves the vast majority of credit and love for this theme. I simply threw some WordPress guts into it. I was a bit unsure if it was kosher to port Skittlish as I couldn’t find a license for it, but after a couple of failed attempts to contact Cristi I went ahead and ported the sucker.
Skittlish has been tested with the latest versions of Firefox, Safari, Flock, Camino, OmniWeb, and Opera. Other features of Skittlish include Christian Montoya‘s comment.php template, support for hatom and built-in support for the following WordPress plugins:
- Ultimate Tag Warrior
- Similar Posts
- Live Comment Preview
- Gravatars
- Get Recent Comments
- OpenID plugin
Skittlish works right out of the box and would work fine with or without the mentioned plugins.
Skittlish is designed to work with later versions of WordPress, meaning versions 2.0 and up. So if you’re running an older version of WordPress and encounter any problems, the reason for it would be the 2.1 specific tags. The best thing to do is upgrade your WordPress installation.
My Take:
I love clean themes and that means that I also love this theme but not enough to make me change my current theme. What I love most about it is it’s seven color option. The fixed or fluid width option is a cool feature since visitors have different screen resolutions and they can adjust the theme to fit their screen. But for the blog owner, you have to make sure that the images and other media that you insert in your posts aren’t too wide or else you’ll have them overlapping into your sidebar when the width is made narrow. One more thing, Skittlish is not widget-ready. Overall, I give it a 3.5 out of 5.
Preview or Download the Skittlish WordPress theme.
Theme owner site is looking missed. A link to theme’s demo site or download page can be usefull.
@Maria – You're welcome! :D
Thank you! I will test it… maybe, if I like it a lot, I could change my template (mi Spanish version blog use WP… English, Blogger…).
Best from South America!
@Clawy – I thought you liked the Sakura theme? Anyways, yeah sure, no problem. Just let me know where you want to install it. You're welcome! :)
i love it! help me set this up for my blog…please pretty pretty please :) thanks jayp :)
@dimaks – Which images are you taking about? Is it the image within the post? Yeah, it doesn't look nice when the text are sticking to the sides of the image. :)
So neat looking. And I always love that spaces around the images.
@trench – Customizing WordPress theme is so much fun isn't it? I love doing it on my free time. :D
nice theme. might have to customize and use in the near future.