Facebook Like Button WordPress Plugin

facebook like

Facebook introduced three new components to the Facebook platform at the F8 conference held yesterday in San Francisco. These three components are – Social plugins, the Open Graph protocol, and the Graph API. The one that’s getting all the buzz and attention is the considered as the most important plugin, the Like Button. This is the same Like Button that you see and use to “like” posts, pictures, videos and other stuff posted by your friends on Facebook.

What Facebook plans to do is make the Like Button web-wide or all over the web so Facebook users can easily make connections to different pages on the web and share the content back to their friends on Facebook, all with one click. If you’re logged in to Facebook and you “like” a certain page using the Facebook Like Button, it will be displayed on your wall or recent activity on your profile. Kinda like this:

Facebook Like Button

If you want to add the Like Button on your website or blog, you can visit the Like Button page and get the code.

Facebook Like Button

But if you’re running a WordPress blog, you can do it via a Facebook Like Button WordPress plugin called Facebook Like Button Widget created by my friend AJ Batac.

1. Download the “Facebook-Like-Button-Widget.zip” file
2. Extract and upload `facebook-like-widget.php` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
4. That’s it!

I haven’t installed it yet here on JaypeeOnline but this is how it should look like:

Facebook Like Button

Now, your readers and visitors who have Facebook accounts can “like” your posts and easily share it with their friends on Facebook. The Like Button looks very promising function-wise and has a good chance of succeeding especially with the large number of registered Facebook users.

What do you think of the Like Button going web-wide? You think it would be successful? Has anyone here added the Facebook Like Button on their website or blog? Anyone using the Facebook Like Button Widget for WordPress or any other Facebook Like WordPress plugin? Please share your thoughts.

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  1. how to prevent abuse using the like button ? what I want to ask how can you control the flow to check what person has written before getting posted on a persons wall. this will be good to control for recommendations i think. please suggest

  2. It’s a great new plugin and it’s a good sign that Facebook is gradually opening up unlike the “walled garden” that is was years before.

  3. I installed on mine manually, as I wanted it to display on a certain part of my post along with the Google Buzz button. Installing FBML thing instead of the iframe seems to make it load faster.

  4. I was looking for an option to “Like” your post, hehe :) Thank you so much for telling us about this. I’m checking it out for my blog.

  5. Word of advice, avoid using code in wordpress where you can, iFrame will break in the visual editor and you will be left with frustration if you put it manually inside a post. If you are going to use the iframe button, put it in the single.php or index.php for your posts instead of manually in the post editor.

  6. Using it on my photoblog, works flawlessly. I didn’t know a plugin for this would emerge so quickly but I certainly am thankful that it did.
    I’m using it with the A Simple Love (Mono) child theme for Thematic. Great work! Thanks!

  7. Cool. Just installed the plugin and now ready for many, many “likes”:) Thanks for bringing this up. The plugin is much easier to use that the code FB provides.

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